Ricardas Marcinkevicius
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Hello, thank you for dropping by to view my artwork, I hope you enjoy seeing it as much as I enjoyed creating it. My name is Ricardas Marcinkevicius, I was born in Vilnius 1965. We have decided to share our favorite art with you here. Ricardas Marcinkevicius is a painter, graphic artist, , digital/multimedia artist, photographer, writer, curator Viewbug. Optimism is my most enduring state of mind and it spills out onto my canvases. I wish to share with my viewer the happiness I feel and to encourage him or her to focus on the positive, despite the negative energy that too often surrounds us. I believe we all have the power to shape our world. I choose to shape mine with optimistic, colorful images. Ricardas Marcinkevicius ( 1965 -